Sunday, January 25, 2009

Morning Banana Diet - Day 16

Welcome to my Morning Banana Blog :) Well its day 16 in the morning, well actually its nearly noon. When i first started this diet i was having a lot of trouble getting out of bed at a decent hour, as in before noon and getting to sleep by Midnight. Well not anymore, i've adjusted very well and so have the kids. Even if i don't lose another pound my quality of life has definitely improved. Before i started the morning banana diet i was going nuts. My kids would wake me up and at night i would be struggling to keep my eyes open longer that the kids so that i they wouldn't be running around unwatched. The problem is that i have a bachelor pad, so that means no bedroom. Unless i turn out all the lights, they wouldn't sleep. They went to sleep at 9pm last night of their own accord and woke up at 7:30am, a half hour before my alarm was set to wake me. See what i did was set my alarm, then go wake them up early, if i can't sleep in neither can they!! Revenge is sweet :) Last night i went to bed at 11:30pm whereas before i would lay in bed till sometimes 3am just trying to sleep.

Another thing is that i used to skip breakfast, seeing as though i wasn't awake for it anyhow. I would eat a snack-ish type thing when i was hungry, then make dinner around 9pm or 10pm, sometimes later. It was such a habit that i just wasn't hungry. I had wondered why i was gaining weight if i never ate! Well i guess my body was in starvation mode, not to mention eating late at night didn't help. (Don't worry, the kids ate well). Now that i eat a banana with water in the morning, i'm actually hungry during the day, i eat a yogurt an hour or so after my banana and water, i don't always eat at lunch time, but instead have lunch around 3pm and skip the snack. Dinner is usually at 6pm or 7pm now.

My point is that even though i'm not sticking perfectly to this easiest-diet-ever, i'm still losing weight just by changing a few bad habits and my quality of life has improved dramatically. I have so much energy, and i'm not wasting my life sleeping :) After all, you only live once!!

Thanks for reading my Morning Banana Blog!

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